ATROVET 50ml buy online in Pakistan

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below are the detail about the product ATROVET 50ml.


Type: Injectable Solution

Group: Antimuscarinic

Line: Livestock


Each ml contains
Atropine Sulphate BP 1mg


ATROVET 50ml It is indicated for the treatment of organophosphate (insecticide) poisoning, antidote for cardiovascular collapse following overdose of anticholinesterases, co-therapy in diarrhea, bradycardia (slow heartbeat rate), hypotension and reducing peristaltic movements. Atrovet injection is also used as pre-anesthetic agent to prevent the secretions of respiratory tract.

Dosage and Administration: 

Administer the following dose by intramuscular, intravenous and subcutaneous injection.
Cattle / Buffalo / Horse: 1ml per 15-30kg body weight.
Sheep / Goat: 1ml per 7-30kg body weight.
Dog / Cat: 0.1ml per 2-3kg body weight.
In case of organophosphorus poisoning the dose can be doubled up to 0.5mg per kg body weight of which one quarter is administered intravenously, the rest subcutaneously.

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